Friday, April 16, 2010

Paper Route, Lights and Owl City! We have a song about bugs. :)

So for my birthday Courtney got us tickets to go see Owl City at Saltair!  I was super stoked because I am a pretty big fan of Owl City's music and so is Courtney.  For those of you who don't know who Owl City is, maybe you will know of the song "Fireflies" by Owl City.  Anywho, we took the nice long drive from Provo to Saltair and I figured out a nice little shortcut to beat all the traffic and avoid I-80.  It was kind of a lucky guess on my part but I will definitely take credit for it.  Haha.  We got there around 5:30 and had to wait outside until 6 when they opened the doors.  And if any of you know the Great Salt Lake then you know that it is always quite windy there.  And on top of that it started raining.  But when you are with your best friend it really doesn't matter how cold, how rainy or how windy it is, you just love being together.  So we partied it up until we got inside.  Once inside we sneaked around the side and found a great place to stand over on the corner of the stage.  Then the concert began.  It was so much fun and Owl City was rockin'.  Thank you so much Courtney for my great birthday present!  You're the best!

Playin' around in the rain while waiting to get in.

Adam Young- Lead singer and creator of Owl City

Enjoying the concert together. :)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."

For President's Day weekend Courtney and I flew out to L.A. where we were picked up by Courtney's mom and taken out to Dumont to enjoy a weekend full of sand and sun.  I enjoyed being with a family that is oh so similar to mine and I felt right at home while staying in a 2 room motor home with them.  There is no better way to get to know Courtney's family than to stay 3 nights with them in very close quarters. :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New to This!

Hey y'all. I finally did it. I started a blog. Give me some time to work on it and we will see how it goes.